Common mistakes in English

지난 몇년간 억대의 글자 수를 교정해왔습니다. 여기 저희가 찾은 흔한 실수들을 적어봤습니다. 교정된 실수의 빈도 수를 토대로 나열했습니다. 정보 보호를 위해 모든 교정을 나열하진 않았습니다.

#401 mean means
#402 number numbers
#403 your you’re
#404 employee employees
#405 that when
#406 its it
#407 way ways
#408 in by
#409 look looked
#410 resource resources
#411 include includes
#412 as and
#413 open opened
#414 because as
#415 we we're
#416 sometime sometimes
#417 plan plans
#418 was had been
#419 anytime any time
#420 by in
#421 requirement requirements
#422 interest interests
#423 stop stopped
#424 and this This
#425 he’s his
#426 close closed
#427 find found
#428 came come
#429 there’s there are
#430 friend friends
#431 is as
#432 Thanks Thank
#433 share shared
#434 1st first
#435 about on
#436 and he He
#437 00pm 00 pm
#438 double check double-check
#439 off of
#440 am looking look
#441 build built
#442 and then
#443 organization organizations
#444 situation situations
#445 have been were
#446 how what
#447 those these
#448 choose chose
#449 I've I
#450 myself me

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