Common mistakes in English

지난 몇년간 억대의 글자 수를 교정해왔습니다. 여기 저희가 찾은 흔한 실수들을 적어봤습니다. 교정된 실수의 빈도 수를 토대로 나열했습니다. 정보 보호를 위해 모든 교정을 나열하진 않았습니다.

#151 is has been
#152 were are
#153 follow up follow-up
#154 thru through
#155 other another
#156 till until
#157 and we We
#158 an the
#159 towards toward
#160 work working
#161 change changed
#162 for with
#163 and I
#164 and as well as
#165 were where
#166 that and
#167 mention mentioned
#168 these this
#169 no not
#170 cant can't
#171 received receive
#172 service services
#173 long term long-term
#174 schedule scheduled
#175 can will
#176 month months
#177 like such as
#178 their there
#179 customer customers
#180 on with
#181 Pls Please
#182 skill skills
#183 like as
#184 health care healthcare
#185 gonna going to
#186 per cent percent
#187 but and
#188 help helps
#189 request requests
#190 does do
#191 of with
#192 for from
#193 wanna want to
#194 got have
#195 task tasks
#196 sent send
#197 its their
#198 other others
#199 the its
#200 Looking I look

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