Common mistakes in English

지난 몇년간 억대의 글자 수를 교정해왔습니다. 여기 저희가 찾은 흔한 실수들을 적어봤습니다. 교정된 실수의 빈도 수를 토대로 나열했습니다. 정보 보호를 위해 모든 교정을 나열하진 않았습니다.

#301 check checked
#302 it’s it
#303 meet met
#304 day days
#305 there they
#306 and it It
#307 and in
#308 maybe may be
#309 specially especially
#310 women woman
#311 make making
#312 with and
#313 come came
#314 them it
#315 am a m
#316 the her
#317 who that
#318 provide provides
#319 got received
#320 10 ten
#321 test tests
#322 Im I’m
#323 of have
#324 and or and/or
#325 details detail
#326 advice advise
#327 try tried
#328 Thank Thanks
#329 you you've
#330 experience experiences
#331 since because
#332 ill I'll
#333 point points
#334 is if
#335 we we've
#336 one ones
#337 instruction instructions
#338 year years
#339 wont won't
#340 in on the
#341 area areas
#342 working work
#343 and that
#344 these the
#345 which who
#346 to from
#347 change changes
#348 discuss discussed
#349 reason reasons
#350 and as

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