Common mistakes in English

지난 몇년간 억대의 글자 수를 교정해왔습니다. 여기 저희가 찾은 흔한 실수들을 적어봤습니다. 교정된 실수의 빈도 수를 토대로 나열했습니다. 정보 보호를 위해 모든 교정을 나열하진 않았습니다.

#51 question questions
#52 this the
#53 for of
#54 has had
#55 on of
#56 the their
#57 were was
#58 then than
#59 was is
#60 in of
#61 can not cannot
#62 and or
#63 4 four
#64 Could Would
#65 to in
#66 5 five
#67 the an
#68 of to
#69 in with
#70 u you
#71 had have
#72 use used
#73 the this
#74 of on
#75 I I've
#76 ask asked
#77 and but
#78 dont don't
#79 1 one
#80 on at
#81 the that
#82 everyday every day
#83 Lets Let's
#84 on to
#85 to and
#86 that the
#87 But However
#88 in for
#89 to of
#90 with to
#91 is has
#92 on for
#93 at on
#94 is it's
#95 6 six
#96 cause because
#97 on about
#98 for in
#99 to on
#100 need needed

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