Learn from others' mistakes

Improve your language skills by learning from how we corrected others.

First of all, I would like to thank you for understanding our difficulties and giving ABC a six month period of time extension for the execution of the amendment to the technical services agreement between ABC and UOP LLC. Secondly, please accept our apology for not being able to execute the same wi.....

Dear HR Manager,
I’m writing to express my interest in the position of [position title] at (company). I believe that my prior experiences, skills, education would make me an ideal fit for this position.
I have recently finished a
Bachelor ofbachelor's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, withwhich included the succ.....

There are various reasons, why do people attend colleges or universities. EveryEach student will have a different answers onanswer to this questions. But in this assayessay I will talk, about the main reasons for enrolling in college or university. First things first, theThe first thing that comes up bymotivation for a large number of the students is the chance of gettingto get be.....

On April 1 9M'19, 2016, Harvey Haddix and Ryan Duran from the HealtlHealth Department conducted an inspection of the Elmwood Mobile Home Park Wastewater Treatment Facility. The purpose was to assess compliance with: the state's Clean Water Law, Glean Water Commission regulations, and your facility's plan for po.....

Buenos días, Elsa,:

Me gustaría
comentarlecomentarte una serie de cuestiones con total sinceridad antes de enviar la solicitud de la beca.

Después de la reunión que tuvimos ayer por Teams,
realicerealicé una búsqueda de sutu escuela de negocionegocios por internet y preguntepregunté a mi hermano.
El caso es que
, las opiniones negat.....

Dear Mr. McGraw,

On April 19, 2016, Harvey Haddix and Ryan Duran from the Health Department conducted an inspection
Ofof the Elmwood Mobile Home Park Wastewater Treatment Facility. The purpose was to assess Compliancecompliance with the state’s Clean Water Law, Clean Water Commission regulations, and your faci.....

En déplacement pro surprofessionnel à Paris (Je travaille chez OBS (Orange Business Services)Services)), j'ai du utiliser le métro fréquemment pour me déplacer. N'étant pas habituer à un telletel transport, il m'est arrivéearrivé de faire UNE ERREUR fatalfatale à Paris ! JetezJ'ai jeté mon ticket de transport. j'ai essayerJ'ai essayé de di.....

Technical Assistance (TA): $20M
BIPOC ownedBIPOC-owned small businesses thrive when they have equitable access to technology and small business operation support. This request includes a base increase to a permanent Business Development Competitive Grant Program, and funding to provide TA to an additional 10,0.....

There Waswas a huge social digital adverting company close to our office that went out of business,. We were able to pick and choose from, some of the best, highly trained employees we were able to Employemploy. This was a very rare opportunity to pick and choose from the best of the best that hasthere is in the social dig.....

NEXREV Sales plan to offer businesses a complete sales platform to sell products at no cost to their business. We added a social organic advertising engine that will help businesses grow their brand using social media. Our digital advertising experts will get your business up and running quickly wit.....

One thing I have learned from my previous internships, combined with the experience I have gained from my studies, is to know the appropriate time to ask for help.
Since I have always been able to integrate and adapt myself very quickly to the teams in order to contribute to the successful completi

I believesbelieve that to be appreciated fully , movies hashave to be seen a theatre on a big screen in a theatre. There isare many reasons why other moviegoersmovie-goers and I feelsfeel this way. In many cases, a blockbuster movie’s sound or its other special effects requiresrequire a theatre screening if the movie is to achieve its full impac.....

I was hired as aan agent for campaigns, however, iI was also accepted for aan HR position in the recruitment department. As aan Agent iI worked the customer service department in a Medical CampaingCampaign for doctors in the state of New York. My dutyesduties as aan agent waswere to schedule appoinmentsappointments for patients, tra.....

I was hired as aan agent for campaigns, however iI was also accepted for a HR position in the recruitment department. As a Agent ian agent, I worked in the customer service department inof a Medical Campaingmedical campaign for doctors in the stateState of New York. My dutyesduties as aan agent waswere to schedule appoinmentsappointments for patients, .....

My best friendBest Friend
As we know, friends are the most important ingredients in the recipe, called "life". We meet a lot of people inWe meet many people along the journey of life, but there are only a few who leave a lasting mark on us. My best friend is, Mahliyo, who has been able to makecertainly made a positive impact on my lifeme. Our friendship startedbegan when my best friendshe arrived came in as a new admission tostudent in our class. Both of usAt first, we were both hesitant to talk to each ot.....

Hi Emily,
I have read an article about an accident at school. It referred to an accident that happened to a teenage girl during a basketball match at school.
They wrote that a judge ordered the school to pay, the girl's parents of the girl, 2000£ because of the girlsgirl's broken arm. Personally, I think that it is not the schoolschool's fault because they they don’.....

World Food Summit is important for post pandemicpost-pandemic recovery and foefor achieving the SDG agenda resilient food approach. Access to adequate food is the basic rights which are being ledright that leads to the wellbeingwell-being and to the health of all citizens. The global systems have an economic, social, and political implication. Food .....

As a competitive cheerleader, I have ended up in the doctor's office due to more injuries than I can count. After multiple surgeries and X-RaysX-rays, my interest in the medical field has been significantly heightened. When it came time to start thinking about what I would study in college I was immediate.....

This study aims to investigate the substantial amount of information and sufficient knowledge belonging to the most prominent social and economic effects related to the layoff of employees working in government and private sector institutions in Al Dakhiliyah region in Oman, which emerged as a resul.....

2020 was a game changer that transformed the landscape for most of us. What was truly transformed, wasn’t simply about people coping, but those who were seizing opportunities and bringing much-needed creativity &and resourcefulness ininto their lives and ininto the eco-systemeco-systems they thrive in. The Leadersh.....

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