I disagree with the statement in the question because there are negatives of the church getting involved in politics, but it doesn’t outweigh the positives of them and there are many reasons for this, the first being that the church could guide the government into putting ethics over economics in certain situations. The next reason is that the church areis the biggest provider of healthcare and education therefore by getting involved in politics they can help the government build more schools hospitals and help through making low-income housing as an option for the poor and venerablevulnerable. The church can also hold government accountable for disregarding the poor. aA good example of this is st Oscar Romero in the way that he stood up to the oligarchies stealing from the poor Salvadorans in the 70s. aA huge point proven by Fr. Alec Ried and Rev. Harold good, by acting as go betweens for the Ira and the British government, is that the church actively seeks out peace between everybody in their community. Throughthrough the use of the 7 principals of catholic social teaching.

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