Start your career in your own hometown!
At the end of this month, we are organizing a special event for every student who wants to
get an international professionalgain a professional international experience. The main idea of this event is for students to get the chance to hear about other people’s experiences in the labour market and to get advicesobtain advice from local business people orand experts about work opportunities in various fields.
Why should students attend this event?
These days, it’s getting harder and harder for students to land their first job
after collegeduring or duringafter college. Most of them have not so muchlimited experience or no experience at all, and thatwhich makes their journey even more difficult than it actually isneeds to be. IfWhen they want to get a job, they won’tdon’t know where to start and willoften give up before even trying.
By attending this conference
, students will learn where and when to start their career from people with lots of experiencesexperience in the international and local labour market. Some of them will learn how to build their own company from the ground up and how to keep it going in hard times. Students will get many advicesreceive advice from experts, such as:
• It’s important to not give up once you start to work
• It’s essential to always meet
your deadlines.
• You don’t have to
letgive up your dreams go just because you dropped the ball once in the past.
And so on.
Where and when does the event take place? And also, when is it happen?
The event takes place
atin the local library’s conference room. There is enough space for 100 attendees, and it’s perfectperfectly designed for experts and local business people to deliver speeches about their professional journeyjourneys.
If you want to take part in this event, you should
be therearrive at 5:00 pm on the 30th September 2022. TillUntil then, prepareprepare some wise questions, and be ready to begin your career.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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