Dear, Mr. Islam IIslam,

hope this email finds you well. I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to manage EL kawkab loungeKawkab Lounge. However, I would like to inform you that I am facing a lot of challenges firstlychallenges. Firstly, I need Accessaccess so I can make my requisition. secondlySecondly, I need your assistassistance to get the key for the general store. I also need more details about the GM lunch. I need althougha key for the cash drawer, and can I have a pattypetty cash if it possiblepossible? I would like although to request for me 4 jarfour jars for making syrup I need 4 containerand four containers for garnish. I want to inform you I will do some changes into the bar area, inand I will send you the photos so that everybody should follow this standard during my day off. I need although your support to let the engineering department to support me and althoughthe stewarding department. kindly regarding Kind Regards,

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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