The main teachings of the Catholic church include God’s existence, the immortality of the soul of each human being, and being accountable at death for our actions throughout life. If our life consists of doing good, we will be rewarded by going to heaven. However, if people decide to do bad, they will be awarded hell. People are given free will by God which gives them the decision whether they want to do good or bad. Overall, the church teaches good behavior and “Since we are in control of our actions, we are responsible for our actions” (Cordeiro). It is believed that despite ignorance, all will be saved who preserve the belief to be good and “only those will be damned who persist in what they know to be wrong” (Roman Catholic Church). We tend to see the correlation between good and evil throughout the Bible and the beliefs of Catholics. Catholics tend to believe in free will which means that we all have the choice whether or not we want to praise God and do either good or bad. God gave people the gift of freedom which allows us to choose our actions and decide our own future, good or evil. He has “granted us this gift as part of the dignity he bestowed on human beings to be able to be the masters of their own actions” (Cordeiro). However, during this time people were subjected to doing bad and didn’t praise God. People tend to “suffer the impact of Original Sin, which darkens our minds, weakens our wills, and inclines us to sin” (Mortality). People only had wicked thoughts and thus God had to bring forth a flood to raise the greater good.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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