The following paper will deconstruct the beliefs of Catholics and explain how catholicCatholic beliefs correlate with Noah’s arkArk. This will lead to the development of the reason why God brought about the flood on Earth. This argument will be shown in three ways, including Catholic beliefs, good and evil, and what Noah’s arkArk represents. This iswill be followed by an analysis of Noah’s arkArk and the animal species. The discussion will first begin with the choices that Catholics have to make regarding whether or not they want to do good or bad. Then it will examine the earthEarth before the flood and the corruption throughout the world which brought about an imbalance. Finally, the paper will look at how Noah’s Ark and how Utnapishtim in the story of Gilgamesh relate to each other and what specific things they had in common.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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