The present document establishes the synthesis of my project for the end of studies, made within the BPM Bank. It so emphasizes all the phases of realization of the project since the preliminary study until the phase of implementation.
The objective of this project is the real estate implementation of an automated Computer System for archiving logs. This solution concerns the professionals of the job who allow them to assure the process of logs storage, since the collection of logs from their destinations to the backup place, by assuring a better visibility on treatments and obtained results.
During this internship, we used the approach Scrum for the good progress of the development of the application, the frameworks Angular and Ionic as the Web programming language, the Spring framework for micro-service development and the standard UML as
the language of modeling schedules to represent the software architecture of the applicationsapplication’s directed objects.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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