Does the outer space desires discovering ?
desire discoverings?
the human lives on the earth and he is always discovering the planet and this is one of the secrets behind the continuous being., logically, we use the latest technology and researchers when we are going to discover a new area or place. , butBut what about discovering space with the crazy increases of the human population itpopulation? It became a great necessarynecessity to provide and discover new resources of food and energy . and thatThat must be basically on the earth, at least to invest the natural resources to save the humanityhuman being.
withWith a small revision, we found a big amount of money and lots of human powerpowers are servedserving the space discovering . The main question is what is the main benefit that we have got?
, we aren't going to plant the moon or other planets ., or provide food or import row minerals . Even if that happened one day , Itit will cost the humanity lots of loss . onOn the other hand, satellites are serving the whole earth with communications and discovering the earth's resources . But what is the need of all these military satellites ?
No clear answer, except space and air occupation . A few countries looking for their own every meter on the earth, and mostly , these countries who are supporting thisthese researchers .
, I think the real madness is to go on spending all these human powers and efforts to discover the outer space . TillUntil now, we didn't discover more than 30 % of our planetplanet's natural resources . In few wardsa words, stop stealing the humanity and destroying the planet .

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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