A cross-sectional study conducted in several medical schools in Jordan. By taking students’ experience in the morgue or anatomy lablabs, depending on their year of study. Students have been selected and grouped into three groups as followfollows: firstfirst-, secondsecond-, and third yearthird-year students, who only experienceexperienced cadavers in anatomy lab whichlabs, most of themwhich were palastinated,plastinated; the second group arewas made of students in the fourth and fifth year, who have finished or have been taking their forensic course; and the last group was the sixth yearconsisted of sixth-year medical students, who just graduated and witnessed autopsies and death more than the other two groups.
Studentsstudents who participated anonymously in this study were informed about the purpose of the study, and data was collected from them using different types of questions as dichotomous Yes/No;, multiple choice, 5-point Likert -type scale ranging from strongly disagreeStrongly Disagree to strongly agreeStrongly Agree, and semantic differential scales,; all were put together in a questionnaire which was shared in their official college groups on social media.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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