Freedom. What comes to your mind when you hear that word? The words that come to minemy mind are suffering, heroism, fighting, independence, individualism, human rights, and many more. Freedom is something that is not appreciated enough by many. The sacrifices that are made by men and women for freedom are tremendous. They put their valuable lives on the line every day, so that the citizens of America may live free. Freedom does not come free, and therefore, it should not be taken for granted. So what is freedom? To me, freedom is the ability to express yourself and your opinions. Freedom provides everyone with an equal opportunity of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It gives individuals the choice to be good or bad, have an education, and practice the religion of their choosing.
Just because Americans have freedom does not mean people can do whatever they want. People still have to follow laws
, and if they don't, there are consequences. People have to be responsible for their actions. Freedom is a privilege because every country does not get to enjoy the freedoms that America hasAmericans have. Each citizen of this country is granted the freedom of speech, religion, and press. Freedom provides opportunities and a high quality of life tofor all. We don’t realize the restrictions that would be present without our freedom. Freedom allows for everyone to be themselves and to live life without fear. The veterans that have fought for this country are truly heroes and I am forever grateful forto them and for the freedoms they have provided me with.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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