The most important class I have ever taken is FundamentalFundamentals of Earthquake Engineering. I took this class as I was a senior student. It was aThe class was significant class to my occupation as a civil engineer. I had a teacher who inspired me and also, gothad an opportunity to learn principle concepts in my subject.
The course not only had beneficial content
, but also had a very inspiring teacher. My tutor had a lot of enthusiasm for his course, and was able to convey that eagereagerness to his students. Additionally, he was an experienced one and was a sort of role model for me.
Being able to design, calculate, and construct any engineering structure
needs to learnrequires learning the basic content of this course. Hence, taking Fundamentalthe Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering course helped me with learning these skills andto utilize them toin my career.
In conclusion, I learned a lot of things by taking
Fundamentalthe Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering class during my studystudies. Both the subject and the tutor assisted me in my job and personalityprofessionalism, respectively. As a result of thesethis, I gotreceived a top markmarks in this class.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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