​“The only thing that has ever made America great is extending life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to all who call it home” by Sarah Thankam Mathews. What an inspiring!inspiration! According to the Migration Policy website, nearly 44 million immigrants livewere living in the United States in 2016. By looking at this huge number, you can tell a lot. Immigration has been a controversial topic, and there is no complete news without mentioning something about it. Immigration is connected to other society factors, like politicpolitics, the economy and socialsociety. Immigration has impacts on many countries such as America and Germany, which have more than 10 million immigrants in thetheir country. Immigration has increased the population in many countries, raised the economy and has created diversity across the world. The most common reason for people to immigrate is to look for a better and safer life that they cannot find atin their home country. This includes getting a job, receiving better education and simply hashaving a life. ImmigrationsImmigration laws should be less strictstrictly enforced because of itstheir overall beneficial impact on society.

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