The Door of Unforgiveness To Forgiveness

Freeing Yourself
Toto Receive God’s Power to Fulfill Your Destiny Inin Christ


Unforgiveness is a cancer that has eaten deep into the lives of many Christians and
had hinderedhas prevented them from pressing into God’s will for their lives. I believe the devil is using unforgiveness as a weapon to get many of us disqualified from getting the best of God.

What does it mean to harbor unforgiveness?

1. It means you have been offended by someone

2. It means you hold a grudge against someone

3. It means someone hurt you and you are still bitter about it

4. It means you hate someone for what they did to you.

5. It is when you have unhealed wounds
, and hatred, and you feel bitter towards someone that hurt you.

You need to understand that unforgiveness is a deadly poison. You should avoid it at all
costcosts. Jesus knew how deadly it is; that wasis why he instructed, or rather commanded, us to forgive people seventy times seven times. That is to say forgive them long before they even offend you.

He knows that
, no matter how good you are, someone will definitely offend you. ItsIt's natural with humans. You should not be surprised by this. You know what? You will be offended more in the churchChurch by brethren than in the world. You have to prepare yourself so that you can continue walking in the blessing of the Lord.

Unforgiveness carries with it an envious and murderous spirit. People
, who are hurt, hurt others. You may not be hurt, but there are many other people who have been hurt by others and they are harboring that grudge in their hearthearts. This means anywhere they go to, they will hurt others.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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