On the one hand, regarding virtual games, there are some positive aspects of them and there is negative. First, not all games are the same. There are games for fun, for wasting time, and there are games for developing and stimulating the mind. It hasThey have developed a person's skills, and cognitive abilities, and hashave improved focus and attention. And, whereasWhereas there are learning games that you might benefit from in terms of your education, expanding your education and knowledge, it hasthey have improved a person's sense of motion, wherebecause when they play with electronic games, they may movemake effortless movements, and also jump, itwhich coordinates muscles and senses.

On the other hand, the benefits of virtual games, however numerous, must be kept in mind and minimized so that the benefits do not reflect the negatives. For example, spending too much time on virtual games can cause physical and psychological damage, causing permanent headaches, slowing growth due to lack of constant movement, and being in the same position all the time. Also, tendon damage can occur because of the high pressure on
his handhand movement. It can also cause addictions, and this causes social damage, as well as decreases the child's concentration until he becomes introverted. Attention should be paid, as a player of electronic games, can be associated with Western values and ethics that do not fit together.

To sum up, toys are electronic
,; they do not depend on physical movement. Just as I am against making a child play without parental supervision or play for an indefinite period, it can damage his behavior and his actions by engaging with others through online games. It is better to set specific games according to certain rules.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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