Hana Abdol Monem is a student with many various skills and interests. Hana was born on the 7th of January 2004. Her family consists of parents and two sisters. Her father is a businessman and trader in many countries. Hana learned drawing and everything associated with art from her mother. Her father encouraged her to open a business account. Among her achievements is linkingmaking a link between her hobby and her job. She was dependdependent on herself at a young age. However, one of the most important events that changed Hana's personality iswas her contribution to charitable volunteer work and visiting cancer patients. Hana donated her hair to cancer patients. additionallyAdditionally, each month, she donates half of her earnings to charities to assist the poor. Hana was distinguished by her constant love for good and her passion for life, which gavehad a positive impact on the people around her.

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