Dear Basel,
As per the attached organizational structure, the one I'm reporting to is Mohnned. Therefore, he gave me certain tasks to be done in the eastern area, and once these
had been done I shouldwas to get back to Riyadh. So, all the tasks given were done properly. Furthermore, I informed Mohnned and Alaqeel that I'mI would be leaving tofor Riyadh after II’d finished my work.
Regarding the payment, this is a different story, and it wasn't the reason to leave the eastern area
,. I left it because I havehad done my tasks and I havehad work pending work with Saudi Tumpaine.

Kindly be informed, this wasn't my mistake to send me the warning email. For any further requested information, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,


The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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