Regarding the revision of the accounting records for Q3 2021, after the analyzeanalysis we made, please note that there are some inconsistencies. (the(The trial balance and the purchase and sales journals do not correspond to the Romanian accounting standards,; some entries were not made correctly - for salaries, for travel expense reports)reports.) We made the correctionscorrection recommendations, but in our opinion it would be easier if you would send us copies of the documents (invoices, bank statements, payroll, travel expenses reports, etc.) so we can book them in our accounting software. This way we can generate the balance sheet and the accounting records according to the Romanian regulations. In our opinion this is the least time consumingtime-consuming option for both parties. We can even put this option into practice for at least a period of time to check if it works better.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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