Dear Landon, if I’m being honest, iI really do like you a lot. youYou literally make me so happy, like iI know that cringe and all, but iI really wanna be the best girlfriend youyou've ever had. iI want this little note to be the thing you read when you are upset, dawg. iI just wanna make you the happiest person in the world. iI wanna go on cute dates with you, give you little notes, hold you, make cute little desserts. iI wanna be there for you when you are upset; like dawg, you don’t understand how much iI like you. iI want to buy you things, i. I wanna make you things, i. I want to spoil you, but I don’t think you will let me do that. I’m still gonna do it cause ibecause I can. iI know this isn’t gonna be that long, but like imaI'm gonna give you reasons why iI like you, okay. soSo first iI find you really, really cute. iI love your smile. itsIt's so fuckinfuckin' cute, your. Your hair is so fuckinfuckin' soft, your. Your voice is so amazing, you. You literally make me happy. iI could just look at you and boom, I’m happy. youYou don’t understand, like iI know this is kinda cringekind of cringey, writing you this dumb love letter, but iI want you to know how much iI like you. theThe first day i meetI met you iI was like, “ wow“Wow, omg, omg, he is so fuckinfuckin' cute, omg.andAnd you are fucking funny like iI am. I'm so fuckinfuckin' lucky to have you an amazing boyfriend like you. thankThank you for being in my life, landon iLandon. I really do love you <3.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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