1. When a researcher is goingintends to constructconduct a quantitative research it first has tostudy, they must first put a sampling plan ininto action. A sampling plan helps to figure out how many participants are required for the research and how many will be selected (Polit & Beck, 2017). A Samplingsampling plan includes population, samples and samples,, sample strata, and probability sampling.

The purpose of my article is to seeassess the difference between comfort and pain in older patients who used pharmacological treatment and non-pharmacological treatmenttreatments. The sampling plan contains a population of interest. The population for my article consists of older people thatwho are living in supportersupported or not supportednon-supported living. The samples and samples of this article are 82 older people thatwho use pain medication, andas well as some thatwho use non pharmacologicalnon-pharmacological methods to treat pain or discomfort. The strata of this article are the age of the population, which is between 67-9767–97.

3. Critically appraising the article
, I believe that the results were predictable. NonpharmacologicalNon-pharmacological methods can help for a while, but itsuch approaches cannot do the same that theequal the effectiveness of pain medication does. Pain medication is used to prevent pain and also to help relaxedsedate patients whenwho are in pain. In regard to the data collection plan, the researchers did a great job usingwell to select the questionnaire tool. Thismethod, which is because a questionnaire is usean appropriate tool in research when they are having writingthat involves written and oral questions.

The sampling plan and the research method did create aproduced strong level of evidence. This is because the researchers used a small sampling size for this researchstudy. They also differentpresented various tables that demonstrateto illustrate the results.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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