Lectio Divina is also known as divine reading. It involves reading scriptures, mediation, and prayer. Therefore, the passage I chose to do for this assignment is Psalm 100. Oftentimes, I find myself distracted, thatand I forget to worship God, so I chose this passage to meditate on. Doing this experiment really helped me to slow down and listen to what God was trying to tell me through scripture. The phrase that stuck out to me the most in Psalms 100 is “The Lord is God.” God revealed to me that no matter the circumstances I might go through, heHe is always God. We should praise God for just being God. However, when reading this passage, it gives us more reasons for why we should praisepraising God. Verse 3 saidssays, “Know that the Lord is God. It is heHe who made us, and we are hisHis; we are hisHis people, the sheep of hisHis pasture.” (NIV). This verse reminds us that God is our creator and owner. One thing God revealed to me through this scripture is that even if I lost everything, I would still have himHim. Verse 5 saidssays, “For the Lord is good, and hisHis love endures forever; hisHis faithfulness continues through all generations” (NIV). This verse tells us that God is our leader and sustainer. God will guide us through each day if we let himHim. This scripture reminded me that God is always involved intimately in the lives of hisHis people and that we could always depend on himHim. These are just some of the things God revealed to me ofabout why we should praise himHim. Every day, I wake up with a list of things to do; however, praising God is never on that list. Therefore, this experiment meant so much to me because it involved memy slowing down and listening to God.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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