Greetings Ms Lam,

I apologise for such an issue occurring during your appointment on January 20.

The wifi problem that happened during your last session was in interference of two wifi systems of 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. I have talked to Fanny Law and discovered that HK Internet Service installed the second wifi for the secondment team, and she signed off the contract for them. But, unfortunately, we could not fix it before
as it was out of control.

The IT department came up with the solution of switching the frequency of the new wifi system to 5 GHz so that only you could use it as it has a high speed of 200 MBS, which is suitable for Zoom and Teams sessions. Therefore wewe've reset the system and created a new wifi spot only for your meetings with further info:

Login: Bla-Bla-Bla
Password: Bla-Bla-Bla

The IT department also discussed the other issue of double-spending. The contract said that if we terminate the agreement before the expiration date, no refund of the $5000 deposit and fees for the remaining contracted period, plus an additional $5,000 of an administration fee, will be due in full. Therefore, after careful consideration, we recently recommend waiting until September 1 2022, to notify the staff of HK Internet Service 30 days before the cancellation, as declared in the agreement and using both of the systems simultaneously.

If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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