I was adviceadvised from the detailer to wait for a hard copy of my orders to be released, and then we will be able to discuss the issue. In October 2021, Orders whereorders were released with a detachment date of March, Report April 2021. At this time, I contacted the detailer as discussed in June, to request the modification of orders, utilizing the same argument as before and pointing out that there will likely be a gap in the billet, as my replacement was not identified at that time.
My detailer recommended to start a PMAR (Personnel Manning Action Request) request via our placement coordinator. Attached is the email from CAPT Scarlett (SFN Senior National Representative) with the PMAR request to our placement coordinator on 7 Dec 2021.
Before embarking on MTWH
, I contacted my detailer to discuss future retirement and also about my delay in reporting, at. At this time, I was adviceadvised to request a delay in reporting via message to my gaining command. Before releasing the message, CAPT Scarlett wants to reach out to the XO of the ship, I owe CAPT Scarlett the email address of the XO, reason why the message has not been released.
CAPT Lipps, I really appreciate you taking some of your time in looking into this matter, my intention is not to complain but to give you the background of what STRIKFORNATO, and I have done so far to request my PRD extension. Sir, it is certain that the PRD extension will make the PCS process smoother for me and for my family, but also and currently the main argument is that this extension will minimize the gapping of the two of two, E7 billets that will be gapped simultaneously in the J8 division (75% of the billets assigned to STRIKFORNATO J8 division)

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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