Last summer holiday, my family and I went to Turkey to have some fun. We were really excited about this trip because we waited for it the whole year. It was a pretty hot summer.

We were so happy when we arrived. At the hotel, our happiness did not
complete whencome to fruition, as we found out that my little sister was lost. Everyone was nervous and very scared that something bad could have happened to her ... Untiluntil my sister's name was called in the mikesmicrophone by the secretary. Our sad faces switched to the happiest faces after we saw our sister completely fine. Then, my sister told us that she was lost in the crowd and a young lady helped her find the hotel while pointing at the lady in(pointing her out to us) helped her find the officehotel.

After we thanked that lady, we took my sister to the hotel room
, where my mom was waiting whileand praying that my sister iswould be fine. When my mom saw my sister, she burst into tears and hugged her.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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