ANGUILE Roger Aguile analyzes the differentesdifferent causes that may lead to bankrupcybankruptcy in times of COVID.
In fact,
a companycompanies in difficulty is a company whose going concern is threatenedcan face several threats for severalvarious reasons. Managers have therefore thethe responsibility to quickly detect the causes of the difficulties and their main manifestations in orderof the difficulties to curb them before they lead to the cessation of payments.
While the focus is generally on the financial aspects, it should be acknowledged that non-financial issues may be indicative of
, or even be the reasons for, financial issues. But, but it can also happen that financial difficultydifficulties cause tensions or real deadlocks in operationalsoperations. This is usually the case when there is serious dissension within the governing body, in particular, the Board of Directors, preventing decisions from being takenmade, or between partners or shareholders, preventing the appointment of corporate bodies. The solution to such problems may be found in the appointment of a transitional administrator or in dissolution for just cause. But theseThese factors can be classified in many different ways:, including internal factors, linked to the operationoperations and management of the company, and; external factors, caused by changes in the environment and the international economic situationsituations; circumstancialcircumstantial factors, for(for example, the illness or death of the head of the company or the departure of an important manager, fire , or generally, a loss not covered by revelant insurancerelated insurance); legal and non-legal factors, etcand other circumstances.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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