On average, $14 ,000 — this is how much, according to Gartner, it costs a business to replace one support specialist. At the same time, every third support service employee is not really involved in their work.

Virtual agents will help to optimize costs and improve the quality of customer service. Voctiv virtual
agentagents provide the best user'suser experience. They will not miss a single call and will be happy to handle any questions.

A support employee who is not involved in the work may miss important information or force the client to undergo unnecessary procedures. Voctiv
agentagents always follow the best conversation flow and pay attention to details.

Don't want to pay employees who are not involved in the work? Hire Voctiv virtual agents to take the quality of service to a new level!

workWork processes and to those who work — to employees. Voctiv Virtualvirtual agents increase business sustainability.

If a customer support department employee is ill
, virtual operators will replace them. They will perform the ill person's work. Voctiv agents will handle calls equally well both on weekends and during non-working hours.

Another advantage of virtual agents is
an easy adjustabilityadaptability. To implement the technology, you only need recordings of conversations with customers. Artificial intelligence will quickly learn from this data. It will respond to calls just the same way experienced employees do.

Do you want to make your business more risk-resistant? Connect Voctiv
Virtual Agentsvirtual agents right now!

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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