The Liceo Galvani is uniquely placed to offer both an Italian and British-style educational experience at the secondary school level. It was the first Italian state school to offer I.G.C.S.E. courses and to be accredited as an official examinations centre by Cambridge International Examinations. It provides a broad study programme across a wide range of subject areas. Within the curriculum there is a balanced mix of practical experience and theoretical knowledge. Liceo Galvani achieves a 69.7% pass rate. It is a performance superior to British students in the parallel national examination in the UK.
I sat down for seven Cambridge issued exams (Maths, Physics, Geography, French, Art and Photography, Biology, English as a Second Language), that I passed with the following scores:

• Maths:
• Physics:
• French: A*
• Art and Photography: A*
• Biology: A
• English as a second language: C1
I am also certified by the Alliance Francaise as a B2 speaker in French, having passed the DELF B1 and DELF B2 exams. In 2021
, I passed the CAE exam (Cambridge English Advanced – C1) with a score of 208, which certifies me as fluent in the language (C2 level of proficiency).

I graduated high school with a score of 100

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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