Ending violence: that is the basis of
our concept for protecting against
violence and preventing violence.
Bavaria is one of the safest states
in which people can live. Even so, we are
constantly confronted by violence in all
phases of our lives, from childhood to old
:, in the media, in the workplace and
at home. Violence has many forms and
many faces. There is visible and, at first
glance, ‘invisible’ violence – physical and
verbal as well as digital violence. Our aim
is to focus on places where violence is
less visible or where new forms of
violence occur, taking an approach that is
as preventive as possible, before
violence even occurs in the first place.
Just as important as preventing violence
is protecting and helping the victims of
Our measures to prevent violence and
protect against violence are set out in
a three-step plan.
The first two steps are solely concerned
with protecting women and their
affected children from violence. This is
where our focus lies, in line with the
provisions of the so-called Istanbul
Convention, because women are often
more affected by these forms of violence.
Yet we are consciously going one step
further. The third step aims to extend the
services to other groups of people – such
as boys and men who have suffered from
domestic and/or sexual abuse, or girls
and women who are threatened or
affected by genital mutilation. There is
also a focus on digital violence.
‘Bavaria against violence’

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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