Dear Sir,

itThis is to inform you that, as we all know that, due to heavy rain, on going activities on CRT-005 had been closed, but to achieve our target, we increased manpower and also stopped the fabrication team for cleaning activity, even theythough they already completed their job. We also shifted a container to the site area for the welding plant &and electric DBs.

weWe are tryingrytrying our best to achieve targets and control delay factorfactors.

AndThe below mechanical activities will be completed today induring the Night Shift:

1) Welding of Remaining Half "D" of Roof Deck (External) will be completed
induring the Night shift .

2) Removal of 50% scaffolding from Bottom will be completed
induring the Night Shift.

3) External Shell/Course remaining DPT will be completed


The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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