Through the chapterIn Chapter 1, we come to understand the term and definition of psychology. Psychology is a term which refers to the study of mind and behavior. One thing we come to realizationas observed both in every day life and in everyday life. Hypothesisexceptional circumstances A hypothesis is a prediction based on observation throughusing the scientific method. We always hypothesisare constantly making hypotheses about everything around us, for instance, today’s Friday night and you want to watch a good movie or TV show. There are some movies that caught your attention, and you’re not sureyou haven't seen them before. You ask: which movies are good or notmovie will I enjoy watching tonight? You have an idea about which movie might be good. That’sThat idea is a hypothesis. There are also many different methods of of testing a hypothesis to find the result. Through the experiment, and data measurement ((such as measuring the temperature with a thermometer, weight using a scale, and more), or etc. You getthe true result of a research question can be found and compared with the ideas of how we hypothesishypothesis. We use hypotheses in our daily lives. in different events. RightFor example: right now, you are in a room. I want you to look around you. What comes to your mind? Tell me what your hypothesis is.

An earlyI find the psychologist, Sigmund Freud, which I also find this very fascinating. SigmundFreud believed the unconscious mind stows all of the unacceptable thoughts, memories, and feelings. He also believed that the brain protects all of the haunted memories in unconscious mind. Everyone has their own unacceptable unconscious mind. For example, you accidentlyaccidentally call your spouse’s name by wrong names or something that reminds you fromof your terrible pastspast.
We all can relate to this a lot. How can you avoid this?
Many people have a different methodPeople utilize various methods to avoid having these thoughts, memories, or feelings. likeFor example, some people writing in a diary

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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