Grapefruit juice has an essential aroma and volatile compounds in Citruscitrus paradisi (Shamber). theThe study was measured the 64 important volatile compounds withwhere separation of chemical profiling of compounds was performed and ten major ten taste and flavor aroma compounds in the juice of grapefruit was first timefirstly measured, the. The numerous methods of antioxdants and potential activity waswere measured in juice and the best solvent was methanol, while lower concentrations of all aroma compounds were lower in ascorbic acid solvents extracts basedsolvent extract-based extractions and method. The best efficient method of extraction of aroma compound was super critical fluid extraction (SCFE) 14.81±0.31 with calculation of γ –terpinene compounds in full harvested stage of maturity. theThe suitable advanceadvanced analytical techniques are essential for characterization of different quality attributes of grapefruit juice as uses of medical compound in linked to maturity stages whether early and too young fruit harvested showed a lower qulityquality and poor bioactive compounds,. It was established that fruit should be harvested at the proper stage of maturity stage to get the full benefits from it. In addition to these techniques, the study also recognized the nature of the compounds according to organic classification where ten major aroma compounds were measured for the first time in the juice of Citruscitrus paradisi

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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