In this article from Belinda Huang, “What Kind of Impact Does Music Really Make on Society?” Huang argues that music impacts our society in numerous ways that we don't often think about. In other words, Huang wants the reader to think about how music impacts society as both a whole and an individual.

One of the impacts Huang argues is an Emotionalemotional impact. The author says that the emotional impact of music is the most identifiable and direct impact on the people in a society. She used examples such as listening to upbeat songs while working out, and jazz while we are on romantic dates. “Music sets moods and creates atmospheres,” which in turn impacts how us as society behave and are influenced by music.

The author then refers to a study that states: “In fact, the average American listens to four hours of music each day! Just imagine what kind of an impact music is having on our emotions throughout the day, whether we consciously realize it or not.”, I think the purpose of the author bringing this to the reader's attention was to show how invested our society is into the music we listen to.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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