Every person has feelings. We are happy at times and angry at others. On the same day, we can be furious, silly, and excited. The feeling of protection is an emotion that we sometimes experience without even realizing it. We don't talk about feeling safe very much. When a friend asks, "How are you doing?" we rarely answer by saying we feel safe. However, most of us can admit that we feel secure on a regular basis if we think about it. The term "safe" refers to a state of being free of danger or discomfort. So, feeling secure implies that you do not want to be harmed or injured, either emotionally or physically. (Preisler, 2013)

One of the most common causes is car accidents. Being mindful of potential dangers on the road, such as distracted, violent, or careless
driver. It'sdrivers, is crucial to know what to do before and after a collision. (Turner)

The purpose of this report is to know why safety on the street is important
. And, and to investigate why people why they follow the rules and the whywhy they do not. The report will focus on towtwo main areastopics: how to make people follow the rules and why we must follow the rules.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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