I want to study emergency management at John Jay because there ishas been a rise in unfortunate events, such as natural disasters and pandemics. I want to understand the procedures emergency management agencies take to prepare large populations and businesses for emergencies. I also want to understand the processprocesses these agencies take to aid in the recovery phase. With my work experience being primaryprimarily in fire prevention, I’ve taken to heart the importance of takingestablishing preventative measures beforeprior to emergencies happenhappening, whether on a small or large scale.

When hurricane Sandy hit New York City, my immediate family had our to-go bags prepared
, along with a rationed food supply. The city was prepared as well, on a large scale, yet I am sure officials and the Office of Emergency Management were uncertain of the amount of damage the hurricane was to bring. As I drove down Lexington Avenue, on my way to work, I passed by what would be usually bustlingbe bustling street corners and boarded up windows. It was essentially darkness, and silence. Upon passing 41st street, the rest of Manhattan had power and I arrived at work to an empty building and my engineers working tirelessly to protect the buildingsbuilding's machinery from the flood waters. I was still in shock,; my city, New York City, hadn’t been this shaken up since 9/11. This was my first timeexperience of being apartpart of a non-fire emergency and seeing the recovery phase begin.

As a fire safety director
, I worked in high-rise and low-rise buildings. This was definitely hands onhands-on training for me,. I was able to put my book knowledge to use in real time, while developing practical skills. I had to anticipate emergencies and adapt to scenarios that were not favorableunfavorable scenarios. I sat in on building management meetings and gaveshared my expertise towardswhen building the emergency action plan.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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