The subject of the study is the design of theand development of thea vegetable garden at a detached house withof 19m x 12m dimensions 19m x 12m. Plants. The plants were designedarranged in such a way that the garden was decorative throughout the season. A trellis haswas been designed in the central part of the garden to support climbing vegetables. And, and in the middle, there are benches and a table for relaxation. The garden is symmetrical, alternating between lavender and daisies, as these are also edible plants, great for salads and garnishing dishes. Plants were designated in such places thatwhere they interactedinteract with each other - the phenomenon of allelopathy. E, e. g. Cucumbercucumbers next to lettuce have a positive influence on each other.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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