I am Chavvakula Vikas and I have completed my Graduationgraduation in B.Tech Civil Engineering. Now, I am having a requestenquiring about an Engineering assistant Job inAssistant job at Grama Sachivalayam. I wrote an exam in 2020 and I got a rank too2, but I didn't gotget the Jobjob. Now, I washave heard that some onesomebody got the Jobjob who got thehad a higher rank more than my rank andme, but now I have got to knowfound out that there are Vaccancies ofvacancies for Engineering AssistantAssistants at malkipuramMalikipuram and SakhinetipalliSakhinetiPalli Grama sachivalayam'sSachivalayam's. So, I requestam requesting that you thatmay consider me to fill thateither of the job vacancies either any place of those above mentioned Job vacanciesabove. My Resumeresume and xerox copies of my Certificatescertificates are enclosed here with. HopeI hope you will see them.

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