The Internet has become an important part of everyone’s life. We can communicate with the world around us, watch movies and search through the Internet. asAs we know we are going through the Corona pandemic, which made education continue at a distance, whichand the Internet made it easier for us to communicate with teachers and attend lectures easily. Although there are many benefits of the Internet and it has made life better, but it doesthey do not exceed the negatives on the Internet. One of these negatives facilitated the penetration andof spying, as many programs appeared that facilitate this process. Also, due to a large number of sitting on devices that use the Internet, affected These devicesit has had an effect, in turn, on physical health, such as the spread of bone and joint pain, and obesity. Everything in life has harm and benefit, and the Internet has many benefits, but at the same time, it has many disadvantages that we must warn of.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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