In the story of Enuma Elish, Marduk was initially demonstrated as the God of the thunderstorm or, otherwise known as a four-eared, four-eyed giant who was God of the rains and storms, and he. He is said to be the son of EA and Damkina. However, after defeating the monster of chaos, Tiamat became Lord of the Gods of Heaven and Earth (The Editors of Encyclopedia,Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2016). Enuma Elish, which is otherwise known as “Marduk Creates the World from the Spoils of Battle,, is the Sacrificialsacrificial type of creation myth, given that sacrificial myths tend to elucidate on how after sacrificing a god, the world comes into existence. In order to better illustrate this in the story, following up to Marduk defeating Tiamat, he splits her body into two halves; and createsone half to create the sky and heavens, and uses the other half to create land which has been emphasized as earth and freshwater, and from. From her eyes, he creates the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Moreover, Ea and Nihu use her blood and clay from earth to create humans.

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