1 How many countries
dohave you visit untillvisited up until now ? Less than 5 Less than 10 More than 10 More than 25 More than 50
2 What
does makemakes you want to visit a country, and what are youryou interested forin ?
Do you ever visit Vietnam ?
4 If no
, are you interested to visitin visiting it in the future and, if yes, are you interested to visitin visiting again?
5 If you
visitvisited it before, dodid you book with a travel agent, or alone ?Areby yourself? Are you planning to come withby the same way or diffrentdifferently if you visit it again ? If you are interested to visit it for the first time, do you plan to book your trip with a travel agent or alone ?by yourself?
6 If you
visitvisited Vietnam before, did you come with a group and scheduled programmprogram, or by yourself alone, with family or friends dofriends? Do you want to change something for your next visit or no?Ifnot? If you want to visit Vietnam for the first time, how do you plan to come; with a group or no?not?
7 For your next/first time to
Visitvisit Vietnam, with whowhom are you planning to come with ?Alonecome? Alone Family or Friends or Mixed combination Number of people ?
8 How many times
didhave you visitvisited it and what did you like mostly inmost about Vietnam ? (areas, activities, food, etc)?
9 If you
visitvisited Vietnam before, how long did you stay there (if you visithave visited it many times, write the number of your last visit) and if you are going to visit again, or for the first time, how long do you plan to stay the next/first time?
DoDid you know anything about Vietnam untill nowpreviously if you didn't visithadn't visited it beforebefore? (cities-areas-landmarks, food, activities, cost of things, etc)
11 If you visit Vietnam
, which places are you interested to visit and isare there any specific activities you want to do ?

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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