Dear ,
Thanks for your email
I have attached all the required documents to this email:
1. A clear copy of the Egyptian National Identity Card (front and back)
2. A copy of Health License issued from the Ministry of Health, Egypt not older than five years
3. A scanned copy of photograph
colouredcolour (4cm x 6cm).
4. A duly filled and signed “License request form” (please do not fill the last section) — MOH Egypt, License Request form
5. Exact location/address of the The European Society
Forfor Clinical Nutrition Andand Metabolism.

Please, note that:
- The Health License was issued at 2/1/2020 (just one year ago) and it has all stamps on the front page
- I filled the License request form, leaving only the telephone number empty
, as I'm currently in Saudi Arabia and didn't know if I can write my international number. The number is +066581329358, in case they askedask for it.
- The European Society for Clinical Nutrition doesn't have an address in Egypt. It presents the Diploma through the Arab Institute for Continuing Professional Development (AICPD) which is affiliated to Arab Medical Union, they handle the degree in Egypt. I attached their official envelope showing their address and phones in details

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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