Good morning Mr. Pattern,

I am writing to express my frustration with the time in which I am released from my duties on Ms. Hall's shift.
I understand that we are short staffed, however we need a plan in place so that my shifts couldwill stop exceeding 16 hours. Twice this week I had to stay over :
Monday 1/18/21
Clocked out at 11:35pm
Friday 1/22/21 Clocked out at 12:03am
As we know, unit three is the most challenging, and staff tend to avoid the unit. Last night, Ms. Smith came in and went to unit two to relieve Mr. Gaynor. No one came to assist with the girls until I called a 1018 when Delion started trashing the unit because she wanted a phone call. We were proactive and attempted to avoid this problem by getting the phone calls started early and Ms. McNair stopped it. As a result, residents were making phone calls at 11:00pm
, refusing to shower, and day shift was clocking out at 12:03am.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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