I watched the movie, The White Rose, maybe 5five years ago. The movie, The White Rose, has been taken off YoutubeYouTube.

The first link below is the movie
, The Final Days, please. Please watch it. If or when you don't have time to watch the movie in its entirety, fast- forward to the court trial. It is amazing how Hans and Sophie Scholl spoke out against the NaziesNazis and Hitler.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMk6kumX0yM This is an interview with a woman who knew and dated Hans Scholl.
The interview was
takenconducted in 2018.

Mom stopped by, she just left. I asked her to watch part of the movie with me. We fast-forwarded the movie to the court scene, then watched to the end of the movie.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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