Note: This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between characters, places and events in real life is purely coincidental.

Please do not copy or distribute this work as your own, without the author’s permission.

* * *

I can still recall it clearly.

The night I first met Samantha was just like any other; calm, dark and familiar.
I thought that I would soon go off to bed, and the day would have passed without any surprises.

Little did I know how wrong I was . . .

In my previous life
, all my friends called me Zack.
prefferedpreferred it that way simply because my full name: Zackary Trenton, just never sounded right to me.
Now, however, I’m known only as another worthless inmate,
mercilleslymercilessly thrown together with a bunch of others just like me.

People that have
commitedcommitted crimes, from which there is no return . . .

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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