The immune system is a myriad of cells, proteins, and molecules with one goal: defend the body against pathogens. It canAlthough unlikely, it can collapse and lead to the destruction of healthy cells, hence the term autoimmune diseasesdisease. AffectingSince it affects 5% of peoplethe population, researchers have found it crucial to address this issue. Sakaguchi succeeded in triggering autoimmune disease by removing the thymus from mice. A specific reagent helped to label a particular type of T cells. The inoculation of these cells into unhealthy mice allowedresulted in a healing of the disease. However, the excitement forabout these suppressors T cells came to nothing when the genes associated with the cell phenotype were unfound not found. As a result, the name of the cells became associated with bad science and remainedwere laughed at. Sakaguchi's relentlessness and the repetition of his work byin Sevach's laboratory, a respected immunologist, definitely made the theory credible. It was only in 2001 that six teams identified suppressive T cells in humans. To throw off the terrible reputation of the name, the cells were renamed regulatory T cells.
They have a role in the deletion of self-reactive cells
butand also in the contraction of the immune response and thetheir tolerance to non-self. Our intestine is in contact with beneficial bacteria; we should not trigger an immune response to them. The microbiota and the human body are, therefore, in symbiosis. Bacterial metabolites and high-fiber diets increase the number of Treg. Currently, our immune tolerance is challenged by the increase in hygiene that leads to a lower stimulation of the immune system. Consequently, the prevalence of asthma and other allergies in urban areas is increasing. Taking probiotics could correct this situation. In the future, with genetic engineering, these probiotics could secrete anti-inflammatory cytokines like Tregs with genetic engineering.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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