Latin name: Glycine max
Arabic name: فول الصويا
Family: Fabaceae
Soybean contains
genistein and daidzein, whichboth are types of isoflavones which are good source of phytoestrogens in the human diet, especially infor females. As well many naturally occurring phytoestrogens act like selective estrogen receptor modulators( SERMs)modulators (SERMs), which are not necessarily acting as direct agonists of estrogen receptors, on other hand normal consumption of these phytoestrogens from foods that contain them shouldn't provide the amounts are sufficient enough to stimulate a physiological response in humans.
Daily eating and drinking soybean has not lead to
known risks. In some people, it confused the gastrointestinal tract .
AThe prolonged term effects of a diet rich in soybean have not been well-studied. Rich soybean consumeconsumption can't be considered safe until even more studies are done.
You can take soybean isoflavones in
a supplement form. The North American Menopause Society recommends to start at a dose of 50 mg a day. You can increase the dose to have more benefit. Must to know that it need It needs several weeks to months before you start to see a noticeable changes in your menopause symptoms.


The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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