On October 19th, 2020, our management team had a business dinner at your restaurant. Bill reference number #1515 total amount of $1000 VAT included. Unfortunately, nothing went well during this lunch. And, and I’m contacting you to ask for a refund since we did not eat anything. The dinerdinner took much time to be served, and when it was served, it neither matched invitees’ orderorders nor abided by minimal requirements of hotnesstemperature or taste. BesidesIn addition, the waiters never seemed welcoming. One of them, callednamed Ray, did not even apologize after spilling the teatea on one of our invitees. My CEO and the whole management team were really disappointed. This reflected on me personally, since I was in charge of thethis reservation. Therefore, two new employees tooknow have a bad impression of how we treat our employees. I request a refund so I can substitute this bad experience with another invitation. As well I would also really like you to apologizeappreciate your apology to the invitees, who were really dissatisfied. Thank you for processing my claim within the next two weeks.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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