During the era known as “Aktaban shubyryndy, alkakol sulama” - the years of the great disaster caused by the invasion of Dzhungars to the lands of the Kazakh Khanate in the eighteenth century, indigenous people suffered a lot, and even one mare that cancould produce milk was very important in the survival of people. In one aul (a traditional Kazakh village), one person had a mare which cancould give a huge amount of milk. He was very afraid of an “evil eye” and the damage it could bring to his mare, so he milked the mare far from the aul in the mountains. One day when he was milking the mare, he saw four people on horseback coming theretowards him. He tried to finish it quickly, but he could not. The people already saw him and were coming closer. As soon as they reached the corner where he was sitting, he took a little rock and threw it into the bucket of milk saying, “if“If there is an evil eye, it will damage this stone but not my mare.ThoseThe four people coming totowards him greeted him, and asked whether he was milking his mare or just sitting herethere for such a long time. He answered that he was struggling to get the milk out of her because she has a very stubborn character. And they said:, “Ooh, we thought that you’veyou have been milking her all the time, and were being astonished saying that what a great mare you have.” “Yeah, it is true, it seems you have really been just sitting because if you’ve been milking her till this moment, here would be a lake of horse milk” another one claimed.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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